My Story

My photography journey actually started not in still images but through film-making. The story-telling nature and the cinematic compositions and techniques of film-making strongly influences my photography. Like frames in a movie, my photographs are memories of brief moments within a story. Stories of exploring places, of journeys into nature, of chasing a vision, a mood, a scene or re-exploring familiar places from a new perspective. I often produce a short film during a photography trip to accompany the images and help tell the story behind the photos.

What I chase in my images are strong emotions; through natural drama, tranquility, romance, or the ever-changing action produced by Mother Nature. The backdrops for my photography reflects this; from the wild Atlantic coastline of Ireland, its calm lakes and soft rolling hills to the majestic mountains of my native Switzerland.

Why Irish Language Titles?

On the first pages of a wonderful book I have been gifted by my wife for Christmas - "Thirty Two Words for Field" by Manchán Magan, I stumbled upon the Irish word "Aduantas". It is said by the author to describe a feeling one gets in unfamiliar places, or a sense of starting out on something. On reading the description of the word, I immediately felt it described perfectly where I am on my creative journey. I have recently become fascinated by the idea of combining my photography and film-making with the Irish Language, as Ireland's Landscapes not only form the backdrop to most of my creative work, but the Irish Language and culture being one of story telling and a close relationship to its land and the ocean. At the start of this journey, I am simply finding words in the Irish Language to title some of my photography and landscape short films and see where it takes me.