Colours of Malaga

Roaming the streets and narrow alleys of Malaga in search of colour, shade, shapes and contrasts in the midday sun.

The thing I always love about taking photos around the Mediterranean is the vibrant colours and the eclectic mix of their tones and of old and new. In Ireland, I often go out at sunrise or sunset to find and capture dramatic, colourful but tranquil scenes when the light is soft. On this short trip to Malaga, I was limited to shooting during the day, when light and shadows are harsh. Instead of fighting against these conditions, I tried to embrace them and work with them. Finding interesting shadows, shapes and strong colours.

In contrast to my usual process of studying a location, finding good spots on a map beforehand and having a list of locations and shots prepared, I did none of that and just wanted to roam the streets and see what I find. It wasn’t primarily a photography trip, but a friend’s birthday weekend away, so I limited myself to 2 photo walks - one alone and one with my wife (her patience really is infinite) and since we enjoyed the nightlife until the early hours of the morning, I wasn’t going to get up for sunrise and by sunset, I wanted to hold a cocktail and not a camera in my hand.

So, I ventured out in the midday sun in search of colour, shade, shapes and stories of contrast. Below is a collection of my favourite snaps of this short weekend trip.


Why I hit the eject button on social media.